Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Perfectly Edited Movie

Sometimes I imagine I'm a character in a perfectly edited movie, where there are no extraneous scenes, where everything serves a purpose in creating the story.
This from a Seattle friend. Seems like a charitable point of view. That would make the mouthy jerk at the hardware store...well, just part of the perfectly edited movie. He's serving some purpose in the film, even if I'm not aware of what it might be. Maybe that's the challenge...admitting that I'm just playing my role, and that I'm not the editor.

A quote from David Milch, creator of the HBO program Deadwood, seems relevant or related:

The chemist Friedrich Kekule worked on the structure of the benzene ring for 20 years, and then it came to him in a dream about a snake swallowing its tail. He said that visions come to prepared spirits. ...I've said that I believe our sense of ourselves as individuals is an illusion, and that we're organs of a larger organism that knows us, even though we don't know it. If that's the case, I regard myself as a vessel of that organism, not the source. I try to get out of the way. The work I do now is as good as it can be no matter how long I spend on it, and I think that's a matter of readiness of the spirit.
I think my friend's perfectly edited movie and Milch's readiness of the spirit have something in common, a sense of grace, deflation of ego, something that enables connection to the divine. Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Since reading the previous postings I've been experiencing little miracles; a phone conversation at just the right time, a phrase in a book revealing the message I most needed to hear, and a stranger reminding me of my path. I read recently that these little gifts are simply reminders of who we really are, that we have only forgotten our true essence, and life is an opportunity to experience making our way back to our highest thoughts, our deepest knowing, and purest expression of love.

Anonymous said...

I'm really wrapping my mind around this concept. In the past, I hated the fact that people would tell me that "everything happens for a reason." I mean, how cliche can you be? But since our conversation the other night, the universe has been screaming at me. And not only does it feel good to listen, it feels good to bounce my thoughts and ideas off of trusted friends...and big brothers. Love you.