"Did you see that?!"
Often in a vehicle I'll see something and ask my wife this question. If she answers in the negative, I sometimes feel disappointed, as if my own experience would have been more complete or fulfilling if she had also witnessed or observed what I saw.
What is it about having another witness an event that makes the event richer? When I go fishing alone I often take photographs of the fish I've caught. I know I've caught them, yet somehow I think sharing the experience with others will enrich the experience.
I once took a photograph of a bald eagle picking up a trout on a lake. Is the experience more real or more fulfilling if I share it with others? If so, why?
Validation, cousin. Another person confirms the coolness factor of what you saw.
Just a guess.
Maybe. I think it starts when we're very young, though. Reminds me of, "Look at me mom!" "Did you see what I drew?" "Did you see that airplane fly real fast?" An experience that is shared validates and enriches the experience. It connects us with whomever we are sharing with and allows us to revisit the experience by reminiscing. The experience seems to last longer when you can share it.
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