Saturday, December 21, 2024

So Many Razors

About a decade ago, I went digging through a bathroom container and found seven different razors. That's kind of a lot. I threw away four and kept one as a duplicate of the one I actually used, a 2-blade model. 

Then there was a brand new 4-blade model. No idea where it came from, but one must try it, right? I used it for a week and tossed it as well. Too many blades, and it has a "blade drags behind the handle" feel rather than a "handle pushes the blade" type of feel, if there is such a thing.

I started writing a note about this topic about a decade ago, then abandoned it because, frankly, it was boring. Might still be. Fast forward about 8 years and I bought myself a single-bladed safety razor from Henson Shaving out of Canada. Couldn't write about it right away--gotta give it a good year or two of use to see if it's worthy. It is. The single blade safety razor is such a good product and such a good shave, and with simple, ordinary, and inexpensive replacement blades (a dime apiece). In two years, I recall only one nick, and I swapped out the blade mid-shave, and haven't had another. 

Henson says their main business is close-tolerance manufacture of satellite and aerospace parts. It shows.

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